Canor Virtus I2 - Röhren-Zauber aus der Slowakei
31.01.2025Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 - Moc lampowych możliwości
01.11.2023Canor Virtus I2 - Hi-endowy wzmacniacz lampowy
18.10.2023Canor AI 2.10 - 浑 然 天 成 的 混 合 式 放 大 器
01.09.2023Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 - Röhren-Technik und XXL-Display für moderne Ansprüche
23.06.2023Canor AI 2.10 - ampli Hifi hybride, à tubes et en classe D, qui a très grand cœur
08.05.2023Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 - Röhren-Power aus der Slowakei!
14.04.2023Canor AI 1.10 - Wzmacniacz lampowy KT88 - zapowiedź testu
25.02.2023Canor Hyperion P1 and Canor Virtus M1 - Don't fret...
25.01.2023Canor Hyperion P1 und Virtus M1 - Keine Angst …
25.01.2023Höhere Sphären - Hyperion P1 und Virtus M1
02.01.2023Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 - Trzej muszkieterowie
28.12.2022Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 - Słodycz i dynamika
18.10.2022Test Vor-/Endstufen-Kombination Canor Hyperion & Virtus
15.10.2022Canor AI 1.10 im Test: Röhren-Sound für besondere Musikmomente
21.06.2022Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 – Referenzröhren
15.04.2022Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 – Reference Tubes
15.02.2022Canor AI 2.10 – Hybrid Integrated Amplifier evaluated
28.01.2022Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 – Top-Klang aus der Slowakei
09.12.2021Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 – Zurück in die Zukunft
01.09.2021Canor AI 1.10 – Best tube amplifier in 2021?
12.08.2021Canor AI 1.10 & CD 1.10 – Artikuloiva Putkikaksikko
01.06.2021Canor AI 2.10 – Hybrid Stereo Integrated Amplifier
01.03.2021Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 – Canor in D groot en 6x 6922
15.01.2021Canor AI 1.20 – Pure Class A - HiFi Monoblock Amplifier Audio Glory
15.11.2020Canor AI 2.10 – Unboxing by Chameleon Audio
17.06.2020Canor AI 1.10 – Primé comme amplificateur à tubes de l’année 2019
12.06.2020Canor AI 1.10 & CD 1.10 – Der Reiz der Röhre
01.06.2020Canor AI 2.10 / CD 2.10 – HiFi-Spezialisten der Moderne
15.05.2020Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 – Dream Team
15.04.2020Canor AI 1.10 – Review Best Amplifier 2019
27.12.2019Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 - Moc lampowych możliwości
01.11.2023Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 - Röhren-Power aus der Slowakei!
14.04.2023Canor Hyperion P1 and Canor Virtus M1 - Don't fret...
25.01.2023Canor Hyperion P1 und Virtus M1 - Keine Angst …
25.01.2023Höhere Sphären - Hyperion P1 und Virtus M1
02.01.2023Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 - Trzej muszkieterowie
28.12.2022Test Vor-/Endstufen-Kombination Canor Hyperion & Virtus
15.10.2022Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 – Referenzröhren
15.04.2022Canor Hyperion P1 & Virtus M1 – Reference Tubes
15.02.2022Canor Asterion V2 - 旗艦級真空管唱頭放大器
08.01.2025Canor Asterion V2 - Röhrenmagie für Vinylisten
26.12.2023Canor PH 2.10 - rauscharmer Röhren-Phonovorverstärker zum fairen Preis
22.12.2023Canor PH 2.10 - 来 目 斯 洛 伐 克 的 真 空 管 唱 放
01.09.2023Canor PH 2.10 - dla szukających referencyjnego urządzenia
15.01.2022Canor PH 2.10 – Röhrenphono mit Vernunft? Das geht!
16.12.2021Canor PH 1.10. & PH 2.10 – Phono-Amp mit Röhren ohne Kompromisse!
07.12.2021Canor PH 1.10 – Große Röhrenphono zum Freundschaftspreis
30.10.2020Canor PH 1.10 – Reine Röhre für puren Vinyl-Genus
15.06.2020Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 - Röhren-Technik und XXL-Display für moderne Ansprüche
23.06.2023Canor AI 2.10 & CD 2.10 - Słodycz i dynamika
18.10.2022Canor CD 2.10 – High End Röhren CD-Player mit Hi-Res D/A-Wandler
02.05.2021Canor CD 2.10 – Bonne nouvelle: la marque Slovaque CANOR se rapproche de la France
01.10.2020膽解碼能否克服先天困難?CANOR Audio DAC2.10 |國仁實試|cc字幕
08.07.2024Canor DAC 2.10 - prevodník s elektrónkovým analógovým výstupom
08.06.2023Canor Audio DAC 2.10 - Mejor relación calidad - precio
07.10.2022It don't mean a thing, if you ain't got that swing
02.06.2022Canor DAC 2.10 – HiRes-Wandler mit Röhren-Tugenden
13.03.2022潜入リポート! 知られざる巨大オーディオカンパニー CANOR AUDIO 訪問記 すべてを内製する驚異の工場
11.10.2024Canor company tour by AYS Audio - 欧洲大型Hi end工厂是如何制造设备的 Canor工厂访问上集
02.02.2024Canor company tour by AYS Audio - 欧洲大型Hi end工厂是如何制造设备的 Canor工厂访问下集
02.02.2024Canor - absolute hi-fi high tech on the eastern edge of the EU
03.08.2023„It is a unique instrument with excellent resolution and art of building a soundstage, which is difficult to find for the money. Nice and readable display is one of the most beautiful charms of CANOR beauty. The device is manufactured in the EU, such inscription is now a matter of pride.“
“Goethe i Slowacki” audio“Its strenght lies in its beautiful involving sound. But also the feature to match cartridges in every possible way.
“Reliability and operational sophistication that puts many solid state power amps to shame. With wonderfully transparency, and none of the exggerated lushness of triode connected EL34 designs, this is an amplifier for lovers of valves, but with a level of robustness, reliability and operational sophistification that puts many solid state power amps to shame. It´s hard to imagine a better introduction to valve amplification.
The commitment-phobic should take note…”
“There is an enormous amount of space within its soundstage that helped the instrumentalists to relax into their performance.”
Hi-Fi world review“Vocals loomed with warmth and body from a truly black silence.”
Hi-Fi news review“In case you hadn’t worked it out, beyond the charm and appeal that all beautiful systems bring, this one has me scratching my head and looking at what passes for my personal Þ nances wondering if there is any way I can keep this unique sound in my life.”
Hi-Fi Choice“Whatever type of music file you feed this machine, or indeed whichever silver disc you can find in your ‘legacy’ collection, the Canor makes it tonally sweet and smooth in a way that few machines at any price are able to do. Indeed it is one of the ‘nicest’ sounding CD players I’ve heard in a good while, and this seems to come from a combination of excellent basic design allied to that triode valve output stage which gives a significantly richer and silkier sound than you often get from solid-state.”
Hi-Fi news“This is a 21st Century take on how valves sound, with firm edges to the bass.”
Hi-Fi world review